For him, it consists of live snakes, which he washes down with a cold beer!

Wen says he has been relieving tension this way for the last ten years and told the press that he started eating live snakes as the result of a bet made with a friend over a pack of cigarettes!
Wang Tianming, a doctor specializing in digestion at a local hospital, said Wen could suffer nerve problems and risked infection from the parasites eaten by the snakes.
Undaunted, Wen told the press:
“From that first time I became addicted to eating live snakes. It’s a bit smelly, but they’re very delicious.”
Some passersby have trouble watching Wen eat live snakes and a few have even vomited from the sight.
Wen says his son is now following his lead and has eaten eight live snakes this year.
One can only wonder what Wen would consider a delicious main course.
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